Integrated pollution prevention and control
In order to ensure prevention and control of pollution caused by industrial activities and by implementing the EU directives that every installation should be operated only with a permit, Lithuania, like all EU Member States, has established an IPPC permit system.
IPPC permit is a written document, which aims to prevent, reduce or eliminate pollution caused by industrial activities by defining a system of operating conditions, covering control of environmental elements and granting the right to operate the entire installation, combustion plant, waste incineration plant, waste co-incineration plant meeting the criteria specified in the Rules for Issuing, Replacement and Revocation of Pollution Authorisations as approved by the Minister of Environment or a part (or parts) of such installation (or installations).
The objective of the IPPC permit system is to avoid, reduce and, as far as possible, eliminate pollution caused by industrial activities, in accordance with the polluter pays principle and the principle of pollution prevention, to establish a general control system for major industrial activities, giving priority to the management of the source of pollution, ensuring the sustainable use of natural resources and taking into account, where appropriate, specific local features.
The issuing, replacement of IPPC permits, the setting of permit conditions and the operation of installations shall aim at ensuring compliance with the following basic principles:
- the installation must be operated in compliance with the established environmental quality norms, the requirements set forth in legal acts on environmental protection and public health safety;
- possible pollution prevention measures and best available techniques are applied in accordance with the requirements of the IPPC rules;
- natural resources are used rationally and economically, energy – efficiently;
- the prevention of waste generation;
- assess the likelihood of the risk of accidents and provide for the necessary measures to prevent, limit and mitigate possible consequences;
- in the event of final decommissioning of activities, the necessary measures shall be taken to avoid the risk of pollution and to restore the site in a proper manner;
- reduce the use of hazardous substances and gradually replace hazardous substances with less hazardous substances.
A pollution permit must be obtained for operation of polluting installations, which do not require IPPC permits in accordance with the requirements of the IPPC permit system.
Pollution permit isa written document granting the right to operate the entire installation complying with the criteria specified in the Rules for Issuing, Replacement and Withdrawal of Pollution Permits as approved by the Minister of Environment or a part of the installation or several installations or parts thereof which are exempt from the requirement to hold an IPPC permit and establishing the environmental protection conditions of the operation of the installation.
A permit may contain one or more specific parts setting out the environmental protection conditions for the operation of the installation in accordance with the specific criteria set out in points 1 to 6 of Annex 1 to the Rules for Issuing, Replacement and Withdrawal of Pollution Permits.
The purpose of the pollution permit system is be to establish a system of control of industrial or economic activities not falling within the IPPC permit system according to specific criteria of pollution and in compliance with the principles of pollution prevention and “polluter pays” principles, to avoid, reduce and as far as possible eliminate pollution caused by industrial or economic activities.
The issue and replacement of the pollutions permits, setting of the conditions and operation of installations shall aim at ensuring compliance with the following basic principles:
- the installation must be operated in compliance with the established environmental quality norms, the requirements set forth in legal acts on environmental protection and public health safety;
- all appropriate measures must be taken to prevent pollution and odours;
- no significant pollution shall be caused;
- natural resources are used rationally and economically, energy – efficiently;
- the prevention of the generation of waste and, where waste is generated, it is ensured that it is prepared for re-use, recycled or otherwise recovered and, if it is technically and economically impossible, the waste has been disposed of in order to avoid or reduce any negative impact on the environment;
- the necessary measures to prevent, limit and mitigate the possible consequences of accidents shall be provided for.